- Couples & Seniors
- $ 550
- 45 minute session
- Includes 40+ edited high resolution images
- Print rights
- Online Gallery
- Style & prep giude
- Send
- Single family
- $ 650 Up to 6 people, $25 for each additional person up to 10 people
- 45 minute session
- Includes 60+ edited high resolution images
- Print rights
- Online Gallery
- Style & prep giude
- Send
- Extended Family
- $ 1200 For up to 15 people, $25 for each additional person
- 90 minute session
- Includes 60+ edited high resolution images
- Print rights
- Online Gallery
- Style & prep giude
- Send
Quotes are good for 24 hours. To book your family session, you MUST pay a retainer of $100 and SIGN a contract. Both
to be completed and back to me within 24 hours, or your date will go to the next person.
Weddings require a 25% retainer and signed contract to hold the date and time.